steve ira pic

Steve Ira Present, M.S.

Steve holds a Masters Degree In Clinical Psychology, and has 27 years of experience with helping clients. His list of clients includes a Grammy award winner, local celebrities, and regular people who simply wanted powerful results for stubborn problems.

A Note From Steve:

    In order to solve the most "hard to solve problems", the approach I take is the following:

  Although symptoms cause the extreme pain that motivates a client to get help, my method is designed to find the root cause of the client's symptoms. My method is also designed to transform that challenge rapidly, with
major progress made during each session.

Contact Information:

Phone:     1 (305) 662-6800
Toll Free: 1 (800) HELP YES         
                  1 (800) 435-7937
Email Contact
8306 Mills Dr. Suite 195
Miami, FL 33183

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